A consumer electronics company sought to understand how new and current users, including older adult populations, might use and perceive a smartwatch device during onboarding, setup, and daily use.
Assess user experience of smartwatch onboarding and early use
A global consumer electronics company wanted to gauge user perceptions of their smartwatch products during device setup and first weeks of use. The client wanted to understand how use of the smart watches changed across time points, identify what was missing from the current experience, and understand differences between user groups, including new users, current users, and older adults (65+).
To gain detailed qualitative participant feedback and assess device use over time, we used a mixed-method approach of initial in-depth interviews (IDIs) to explore setup and initial impressions, a 3-week diary study to gauge use over time, and a final IDI to further explore participants’ experiences and perceptions during the 3-week use period.
This research revealed areas for improvement throughout device onboarding, setup, and use, specifically around a need for more accessible information on device setup and features. It also provided insight into the differences of needs and experiences between user groups. Additionally, opportunities were identified for improvement and potential expansion across the device setup process and features.