The second book in our children's series is available now! Get the set.


Beyond conducting UX and human factors research, our team has published work on a variety of related industry topics. We’ve even pulled together a calendar with photos of our pets conducting research in our labs! Check out all our publications.

We’re obsessed with UX

Being a UX nerd means we don’t just talk about it at work. We love talking about it in proceedings papers, conference presentations, posters, and books (for grownups AND kids!). Ask us for a full list of published papers from our researchers!

AI and UX: Why Artificial Intelligence Needs User Experience

AI and UX: Why Artificial Intelligence Needs User Experience

The Handbook of Global User Research

The Handbook of Global User Research

H is for Human Factors

H is for Human Factors
The role of AI throughout the medical device lifecycle

HFES AI research study

Our study, conducted at the 2024 HFES Health Care Symposium, explores the potential role of AI in the development and commercial use of medical devices.

Embracing AI tools in UX research

Global AI study

We talked with UXRs in 24 countries to understand how they use AI tools in their research activities. Learn where 50 experts feel AI is working and where it falls short.

Custom UX Lab

Custom UX Lab IFU

We designed instructions for building our UX lab Lego set that is based on our Chicago research facilities. Take a peek into the 24-page IFU booklet!

Pet research calendar

Research lab fun!

For a holiday giveaway initiative, we transformed our newly expanded research labs into an alternate universe with our team’s pets standing in as researchers and clients. Check out these adorable photos of dogs and cats conducting UX research!