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Lindsey DeWitt Prat



Lindsey brings extensive research experience in industry and academia, including formal training in ethnographic field methods, to help clients achieve their objectives. Lindsey excels in a range of UXR methodologies, research and workshop design, collaboration with cross-functional partners, and coordinating with / communicating insights to global partners. Now based in Paris, she has lived and worked in the US, Japan, Belgium, Germany, and France. Lindsey holds a PhD in Asian Languages & Cultures from UCLA.

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Something unique about you summed up in one sentence:

Global dot connector, mountain lover, and mama of 2 spirited little girls.

Your favorite city in the world is...and why?

LA and Kyoto for similar reasons: cities that contain worlds of culture and are surrounded by beautiful nature.

In your spare time (or if you had spare time), you would absolutely do this:

Retrace ancient pilgrimage routes all over the world!

Share an interesting fact or a special skill:

I’ve been known to recite a clever Japanese poem from about a thousand years ago that’s a perfect pangram (uses each “letter” of the alphabet once, although several aren’t used anymore) and tells beautifully about the transience of life. It’s called the “Iroha Uta.”

Your ultimate celebrity dinner party guest list would include...

Simone de Beauvoir, Frida Kahlo, Hatshepsut (15th c BC female pharaoh), Mugai Nyodai (Japan's first female Zen master, 12th c), and a very skilled interpreter who would actually be the guest of honor!

Favorite quote:

“Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)” Walt Whitman

Best piece of advice you’ve been given:

“No mud, no lotus.” A Buddhist kind of saying meaning that no beautiful flowers can exist without some nitty gritty under-the-surface stuff going on.

What superpower would you most want?

Time travel, hands down!

Read our team’s latest bold insights

Human factors testing for OTC drugs and non-prescription medical devices

As the field of human factors continues to evolve, so must our approaches to testing and study design. While the FDA’s 2013 guidance laid the groundwork for study design and methodology, recent discussions and conference presentations have prompted a shift in how we approach OTC HF testing, leading to more comprehensive and realistic assessments of these products.

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