A manufacturer of personal care products sought to assess the ability of users to follow cleaning and disinfection protocols in a clinical setting.
Evaluate acceptability of dental device cleaning procedure and instructional materials
The manufacturer tasked us with evaluating a cleaning and disinfection process designed for use in a clinical setting. We were to recruit practicing dental hygienists and dental assistants with the goal of assessing their ability to safely and effectively complete the full cleaning and disinfection requirements for the device.
We utilized one-on-one moderated usability tests in a simulated-use environment. Our lab provided items commonly found in a clinical setting including a sink, personal protective equipment, trash bins, and cleaning and disinfectant solutions. Participants were instructed to do what they would do in their own practice to prepare the device for their next patient. Instructional materials were provided, but participants were not specifically directed to use them.
We observed participants while they performed critical tasks for proper cleaning and disinfection of the device. While it was originally assumed that training would not be required, our research revealed that in-person training was necessary and we recommended modifications that should be implemented prior to use of the device.