During the 13th installment of the UX Masterclass, an annual conference that brings together user experience and digital innovation experts, Managing Directors Bob Schumacher and Gavin Lew will share insights on designing the latest technology and its impact on the user experience (UX) industry. A full-day event on March 22nd in Milan, the theme of this year’s event, Beyond the Screen, highlights the challenges that design and UX professionals face in a world with increasingly complex services and more conversational, multi-channel interactions.
Schumacher’s keynote, Voice user interface (UI): Forget everything you know about UI Design, will explore some of the ways that designers need to think differently about voice to deliver successful user experiences. Designing for the screen is inherently more defined and constrained than designing for voice interaction; in his talk, Schumacher will highlight considerations for organizations as they transition to ‘Voice First’ from ‘Mobile First’ design.
Bringing a focus on artificial intelligence (AI) & UX, Lew will discuss core elements from a book he is co-authoring in which the future of AI is explored through interviews with AI experts. He will illustrate successes and failures of AI through case studies and present a UX framework to pave the way for future success.
The UX Masterclass is hosted by members of UXalliance, a network of 25 leading UX companies around the world. For more information about the event, visit http://2018.uxmasterclass.com/.
About Bold Insight
Bold Insight helps clients deliver outstanding experiences to their customers by understanding user expectations and designing products that seamlessly fit into their lives. The team has conducted research on hundreds of products and services delivered on a variety of platforms, including websites, software, mobile devices, medical devices, voice assistants, connected devices, and in-car navigation systems. Email [email protected] to discuss your next project.