Explore global users’ onboarding experience for social media platform

A social media company wanted to develop a multi-country understanding of the onboarding experience for new users signing up through the platform’s app.


A major social media company wanted to understand the needs and challenges associated with onboarding new website users in six countries where the brand had not been launched. The goal was to evaluate value proposition with localized content to obtain design insight, identify areas of confusion or joy, and recommend possible remedies to improve the experience.


We developed research approaches and engaged trusted international partners to conduct in-depth interviews and usability testing with participants in each market. Participants were first asked about their interests and social media usage and their perceptions of the client’s platform. Participants then signed up for the app, performed core tasks, and were interviewed about their expectations and experiences.


This research provided a more detailed understanding of areas where the onboarding experience succeeded in engaging new users and identified areas where friction occurred. Moreover, insights emerged that identified participants’ desires to engage with content in ways not previously considered. From these findings, actionable recommendations were created for future development.


Consumer technology


Global research, In-depth interview, Usability testing


Mobile app / Mobile device