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Devon Coleman

UX Researcher

Devon draws on a background in health policy, environmental policy, insurance, and agriculture to bring a broad perspective to her research projects. Her scope of work helps her connect with people to unlock their stories, offering insights into their decision-making process. Keen on research and continuous improvement, she loves to find the ‘aha’ moment where it all starts to make sense. Devon is skilled in research design, conducting interviews, and translating data into actionable insights to help clients achieve their goals. She has a BA in Public Policy from Duke University and a Masters in Applied Psychology from the University of Southern California.

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Something unique about you summed up in one sentence:

People stop and ask me for directions all the time – even when I am the tourist.

Your favorite city in the world is...and why?

I love Amsterdam or just about any Dutch city for that matter. I love the tulips, canals, and being able to walk or bike to just about anywhere.

In your spare time (or if you had spare time), you would absolutely do this:

I have missed travel so much over the past few years. I would definitely spend my free time exploring national parks and cities throughout the world.

Your ultimate celebrity dinner party guest list would include...

My celebrity dinner party would actually be with my besties with celebrity chefs and sommeliers making the food and choosing the wine.

Favorite TV show:

Only Murders in the Building.

Best piece of advice you’ve been given:

If you don't ask, the answer will always be a no.

What fictional universe would you like to live in?

The Harry Potter Universe.

What fictional family would you like to join?

The would be chaos most of the time, but it would all turn out well in the end. I’m all for the laughs.
Read Devon's bold insights

Read our team’s latest bold insights

Three ways UX research supports accessible product design

Designing accessible products through UX research can create better user experiences for all when researchers are knowledgeable about accessibility and accessible designs, recruit those with a wide range of accessibility needs throughout the UX process, and offer accessible participation options like in-home testing.

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