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Therapy Dog

Emery has over 3 years experience in bringing joy to people’s lives. She is a Golden Retriever who loves long walks in the neighborhood and cuddling. She thinks everyone (human or animal) wants to be her best friend, which plays a crucial role for bringing a smile to our employee’s face when she visits the office for “therapy days.” Don’t let this adorable face and 70 lb teddy bear frame fool you – this gentle giant thinks she is a lap dog.

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Something unique about you summed up in one sentence

I’m a dog… in an office.

Your favorite part of working at Bold Insight

People really seem to like me.

In your spare time (or if you had spare time), you would absolutely do this:

Sleep most of the day. Is this supposed to be something we don’t already do?

How long have you been in the UX field?

Ooh… a field sounds fun!
Read Emery's bold insights

Read our team’s latest bold insights

Designing your POS so it’s not a POS

Regardless of whether the interface is intended to be used by a customer (novice) or an employee (expert), the key is to ensure that the POS interface is designed for the intended audience. To do this, organizations should engage users throughout the design process.

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