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Ashley Buck

UX Researcher

Ashley has over five years of experience in the medical device industry. Her background in the social sciences supports project teams as they explore how a user’s prior knowledge, skills, and experiences influence their product interactions. She has engaged in multidisciplinary research with vulnerable populations, such as children and rare patient groups. Ashley has a MS in Experimental Psychology with a concentration in Engineering Psychology from the Rochester Institute of Technology.

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Something unique about you summed up in one sentence:

I love to make art (mostly digital) and try out new mediums.

In your spare time (or if you had spare time), you would absolutely do this:

I would continue to travel the globe.

Your favorite city in the world is...and why?

Kyoto for the beautiful architecture, food, and nature.

You cannot start the day without doing this...

Making an espresso (or two).

Long-term personal or professional goal:

To mentor new UX and human factors researchers.

Best piece of advice you’ve been given:

To embrace a life of imbalance.

What superpower would you most want?

It would be cool to be like Storm in X-Men.

What is your favorite way to give back to the community?

I try to live sustainably and I participate in sustainability-oriented events.
Read Ashley's bold insights

Read our team’s latest bold insights

Three ways UX research supports accessible product design

Designing accessible products through UX research can create better user experiences for all when researchers are knowledgeable about accessibility and accessible designs, recruit those with a wide range of accessibility needs throughout the UX process, and offer accessible participation options like in-home testing.

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