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Tessie Hoge

UX Researcher

Tessie has experience designing products in the hospitality and consumer tech industries. She brings a unique sense of logic and empathy to every project, allowing users and their insights to drive the process. She is interested in improving the interactions between people and products to build positive user experiences. Tessie has a BA in Industrial Design from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

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Something unique about you summed up in one sentence:

I'm part Irish and I've found over 100 four leaf clovers. I'm still waiting on all the luck to kick in.

Share an interesting fact or a special skill:

My dad taught me all about woodworking. I like building furniture or surprising my partner with a new home renovation.

In your spare time (or if you had spare time), you would absolutely do this:

I love chill time, whether that be gardening, going for a walk with my dog, or reading my mom's latest book recommendation.

You cannot start the day without doing this:

The best way to start the day is with puppy snuggles and a cup of passionfruit or orange tea.

Long-term personal or professional goal:

Buy land where I can grow most of my food and live a more sustainable life.

Favorite TV show:

The Office, New Girl, and Schitt's Creek are all shows I've watched more than once.

What superpower would you most want?

Teleportation. I would travel everywhere!

What is your favorite way to give back to the community?

I foster rabbits for a local animal rescue and enjoy supporting small businesses.
Read Tessie's bold insights

Read our team’s latest bold insights

Three ways UX research supports accessible product design

Designing accessible products through UX research can create better user experiences for all when researchers are knowledgeable about accessibility and accessible designs, recruit those with a wide range of accessibility needs throughout the UX process, and offer accessible participation options like in-home testing.

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