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Jennifer Gallant

UX Researcher

Prior to becoming a UX researcher, Jennifer had 10+ years of experience as a physical therapist in multiple specialties ranging from pediatrics to geriatrics. Her unique background makes her invaluable to health-related projects. Jennifer has been solving her patients’ pain points for quite some time and she brings the same commitment to solving research challenges. Jennifer holds a BS in Exercise Science from Adelphi University and a Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) from SUNY Stony Brook.

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Something unique about you summed up in one sentence:

I was a rockette (kick line) in high school and whenever I tell someone that, they always think I was a rockette at Radio City Music Hall.

Your favorite part of working at Bold Insight:

Learning something new from everyone on the team!

In your spare time (or if you had spare time), you would absolutely do this:

I love to play disc golf and dance — especially to bachata, salsa, and merengue.

Your favorite city in the world is...and why?

New York- it’s a wonderfully unforgettable assault on the senses.

Favorite quote:

You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.

Your ultimate celebrity dinner party guest list would include:

Lin-Manuel Miranda, Barack Obama, Serena Williams, Ryan Reynolds

Best piece of advice you’ve been given:

If you think about all the ways you can’t, you won’t.

Favorite way to give back to the community:

Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity. Helping to contribute to a project that houses a family is so rewarding.

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